Figma AI - How to generate designs with new AI features

Learn how to use built in Figma Ai feautes, and how to push it to the limits

Figma Config 2024

Yearly Figma updates. See how AI features, new UI and even a new tool will improve our daily work.

AI for UX/UI Design - How to get started.

Using AI for Design allows you to work more efficiently. See how to get started.

UX/UI Design & AI trends 2024

Predictions about design and AI trends that may happen next year.

How to use AI in UI/UX design process

Discover tools that help you design more efficiently, get better results faster. It is much more than chatGPT and Midjourney.

How to use chatGPT for UI/UX design: 25 examples

Learn how AI may improve your daily design workflow.