Welcome to Thalion.pro. I'm glad you’re here!
Thalion.pro is a space for everyone who wants to master design tools, organize knowledge, learn UI tips, and boost daily workflow with handy resources.
To paraphrase one of the most famous marketing campaigns:
This is the place for “The Crazy Ones”, the ones who would like to push the human race forward. I would like to help you with this task by boosting your design superpowers.

Who am I?
It does not matter who I am, but what I do, that defines me.
I believe that this space should not highlight me as a person, but the things I do to help you as a designer, so you can do better work. In the end, only that matters. But if you really would like to know me more, here it is:
My name is Przemyslaw Baraniak, but I am better known as Thalion on the internet.
I am a proud father and husband.
My professional career started as a developer and freelance designer. This crossroads of technology and liberal arts lead me to the UX design discipline and continuously defined the way I see digital solutions.
I have been in the mobile industry since its beginning when the iPhone revolutionized the way we interact with our devices.
With Finanteq, I helped banks around the globe (worked with brands like Santander, Credit Agrible, BNP Paribas, Raiffeisen, Arab Bank or National Bank of Kuwait) to improve their designs.
Currently working with Netguru on multiple projects like Careem (Uber Company) to bring the payment features & design system of the Super App to the next level.
Every day, I try to challenge the best design tools like Figma, Webflow, or Framer to figure out how to create or improve design resources that may boost design workflow and save time.
Thank you for being here. I hope you find Thalion.pro valuable!